Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:42 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Jacket Full Of Danger
Song Author
Adam Green
File Size
33 KB
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You can find the lyrics on:
The line with an interrogation mark should read
"Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov".
- - - - - - - - - -
You wouldn't believe how long & hard it was to tab this
song... It lasts 1:39 minutes, it's only 35 bars long, but
the voice is so loud it's damn hard to hear what the
instruments are playing...
So, hehe, from time to time i just had to make it up a
little... Here are a few particularly "made up" parts of
the song:
* I reduced the string quartet to a duet, one violin & a
cello (except at one point when i tabbed what i think
should be played by a viola on the violin track). i know
nothing about strings and i would have been
completely unable to distinguish the four tracks...
Besides, the cello is sometimes hardly audible. I made
up a lot of it.
* The guitar plays very low, sometimes i was only able
to detect its presence by the sound of the pick on the
strings... so don't expect that track to be perfect. But i
saw Adam Green in concert (a great experience, if you
have the chance) and the guitarist pretty much just
plays simple chords all the time.
* The bass should be correct... I listened to it over and
over with a hi-bass equalizer, but i'm still not sure about
everything. The keys are ok, i think - except if there is
a bass part i didn't hear... Now for the good news:
drums & vocals are nearly perfect!
...Feel free to correct...